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Dinosaurs of North America

Currently, our archive includes 219 dinosaurs from USA

Name Coined Type Period Family
ABYDOSAURUS 2010 Sauropoda Early Cretaceous Brachiosauridae
ACHELOUSAURUS 1994 Ceratopsia Late Jurassic Centrosaurinae
ACHERORAPTOR 2013 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Velociraptorinae
ACRISTAVUS 2011 Ornithopoda Late Cretaceous Brachylophosaurini
ACROCANTHOSAURUS 1950 Theropoda Early Cretaceous Carcharodontosauridae
ADELOLOPHUS 2014 Ornithopoda Late Jurassic Lambeosaurinae
AGATHAUMAS 1872 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Ceratopsia
AGUJACERATOPS 2006 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Chasmosaurinae
AHSHISLEPELTA 2011 Ankylosauria Late Cretaceous Ankylosauridae
AHVAYTUM 2025 Saurischia Triassic Saurischia
ALAMOSAURUS 1922 Sauropoda Late Cretaceous Antarctosauridae
ALASKACEPHALE 2005 Pachycephalosauria Late Cretaceous Pachycephalosauridae
ALBERTACERATOPS 2007 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Centrosaurinae
ALETOPELTA 2001 Ankylosauria Late Cretaceous Ankylosauridae
ALLOSAURUS 1877 Theropoda Late Jurassic Allosauridae
AMMOSAURUS 1891 Sauropodomorpha Early Jurassic Anchisauria
AMPELOGNATHUS 2023 Ornithopoda Late Cretaceous Ornithopoda
AMPHICOELIAS 1877 Sauropoda Late Jurassic Diplodocoidea
ANASAZISAURUS 1993 Ornithopoda Late Cretaceous Saurolophinae
ANATOTITAN 1990 Ornithopoda Late Cretaceous Saurolophinae
ANCHISAURUS 1885 Sauropodomorpha Early Jurassic Anchisauridae
ANGULOMASTACATOR 2009 Ornithopoda Late Cretaceous Lambeosaurinae
ANIMANTARX 1999 Ankylosauria Early Cretaceous Nodosauridae
ANKYLOSAURUS 1908 Ankylosauria Late Cretaceous Ankylosaurinae
ANTRODEMUS 1870 Non-Dinosaurian Late Jurassic Allosauridae
ANZU 2014 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Caenagnathidae
APATODON 1877 Theropoda Uncertain Theropoda
APATOSAURUS 1877 Sauropoda Late Jurassic Apatosaurinae
APPALACHIOSAURUS 2005 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Tyrannosauroidea
AQUILOPS 2014 Ceratopsia Early Cretaceous Neoceratopsia
ARDETOSAURUS 2024 Sauropoda Late Jurassic Diplodocinae
ARKANSAURUS 2018 Theropoda Early Cretaceous Ornithomimosauria
ASTRODON 1865 Sauropoda Early Cretaceous Macronaria
ASTROPHOCAUDIA 2012 Sauropoda Early Cretaceous Somphospondyli
ATLANTOSAURUS 1877 Sauropoda Late Jurassic Diplodocidae
AUGUSTYNOLOPHUS 2014 Ornithopoda Late Cretaceous Saurolophinae
AVACERATOPS 1986 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Centrosaurinae
BAMBIRAPTOR 2000 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Saurornitholestinae
BAROSAURUS 1890 Sauropoda Late Jurassic Diplodocinae
BISTAHIEVERSOR 2010 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Tyrannosauroidea
BISTICERATOPS 2022 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Chasmosaurinae
BRACHIOSAURUS 1903 Sauropoda Late Jurassic Brachiosauridae
BRACHYCERATOPS 1914 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Centrosaurinae
BRACHYLOPHOSAURUS 1953 Ornithopoda Late Cretaceous Hadrosauridae
BRAVOCERATOPS 2013 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Chasmosaurinae
BRONTOMERUS 2011 Sauropoda Early Cretaceous Somphospondyli
BRONTOSAURUS 1879 Sauropoda Late Jurassic Apatosaurinae
BUGENASAURA 1995 Non-Dinosaurian Late Cretaceous Thescelosauridae
CAMARASAURUS 1877 Sauropoda Late Jurassic Camarasauridae
CAMPOSAURUS 1998 Theropoda Triassic Coelophysidae
CAMPTOSAURUS 1885 Ornithopoda Late Jurassic Camptosauridae
CAPITALSAURUS 1990 Theropoda Early Cretaceous Neotheropoda
CASEOSAURUS 1998 Theropoda Triassic Herrerasauridae
CEDAROSAURUS 1999 Sauropoda Early Cretaceous Macronaria
CEDARPELTA 2001 Ankylosauria Late Cretaceous Ankylosauridae
CEDRORESTES 2007 Ornithopoda Early Cretaceous Hadrosauridae
CERASINOPS 2007 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Neoceratopsia
CERATOPS 1888 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Ceratopsia
CERATOSAURUS 1884 Theropoda Late Jurassic Ceratosauridae
CHINDESAURUS 1995 Theropoda Triassic Herrerasauridae
CLAORHYNCHUS 1892 Ornithischia Late Cretaceous Ornithischia
CLAOSAURUS 1890 Ornithopoda Late Cretaceous Hadrosauroidea
COAHUILACERATOPS 2010 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Chasmosaurinae
COELOPHYSIS 1889 Theropoda Triassic Coelophysoidea
COELURUS 1879 Theropoda Late Jurassic Coelurosauria
CONVOLOSAURUS 2019 Ornithopoda Triassic Ornithopoda
CORYTHOSAURUS 1914 Ornithopoda Late Cretaceous Corythosaurini
DAEMONOSAURUS 2011 Theropoda Triassic Theropoda
DAKOTADON 2010 Ornithopoda Early Cretaceous Styracosterna
DAKOTARAPTOR 2015 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Dromaeosauridae
DEINODON 1856 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Tyrannosauridae
DEINONYCHUS 1969 Theropoda Early Cretaceous Dromaeosauridae
DENVERSAURUS 1988 Ankylosauria Late Cretaceous Nodosauridae
DIABLOCERATOPS 2010 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Centrosaurinae
DICERATOPS 1905 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Chasmosaurinae
DICLONIUS 1876 Ornithopoda Late Cretaceous Hadrosauridae
DILOPHOSAURUS 1970 Theropoda Early Jurassic Dilophosauridae
DIPLODOCUS 1878 Sauropoda Late Jurassic Diplodocidae
DIPLOTOMODON 1868 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Theropoda
DRACOREX 2006 Pachycephalosauria Late Cretaceous Pachycephalosauridae
DRINKER 1990 Indeterminate Late Jurassic Hypsilophodontidae
DRYOSAURUS 1894 Ornithopoda Late Jurassic Dryosauridae
DRYPTOSAURUS 1877 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Tyrannosauroidea
DYNAMOTERROR 2018 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Tyrannosaurinae
DYSGANUS 1876 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Ceratopsidae
DYSTROPHAEUS 1877 Sauropoda Late Jurassic Sauropoda
EINIOSAURUS 1995 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Centrosaurinae
EOBRONTOSAURUS 1998 Non-Dinosaurian Late Jurassic Apatosaurinae
EOLAMBIA 1998 Ornithopoda Early Cretaceous Hadrosauroidea
EONEOPHRON 2024 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Caenagnathidae
EOTRACHODON 2016 Ornithopoda Late Cretaceous Hadrosauridae
FALCARIUS 2005 Theropoda Early Cretaceous Therizinosauria
FONA 2024 Ornithopoda Late Cretaceous Thescelosaurinae
FRUITADENS 2010 Ornithischia Late Jurassic Heterodontosauridae
FURCATOCERATOPS 2023 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Centrosaurinae
GARGOYLEOSAURUS 1998 Ankylosauria Late Jurassic Nodosauridae
GASTONIA 1998 Ankylosauria Early Cretaceous Polacanthidae
GEMINIRAPTOR 2010 Theropoda Early Cretaceous Troodontidae
GLISHADES 2010 Ornithopoda Late Cretaceous Hadrosauroidea
GLYPTODONTOPELTA 2000 Ankylosauria Late Cretaceous Nodosauridae
GOJIRASAURUS 1997 Theropoda Triassic Coelophysoidea
GORGOSAURUS 1914 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Albertosaurinae
HADROSAURUS 1858 Ornithopoda Late Cretaceous Hadrosauridae
HAGRYPHUS 2005 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Oviraptorosauria
HESPERONYCHUS 2009 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Microraptoria
HESPEROSAURUS 2001 Stegosauria Late Jurassic Stegosaurinae
HIPPODRACO 2010 Ornithopoda Early Cretaceous Styracosterna
HYPSIBEMA 1869 Ornithopoda Late Cretaceous Hadrosauridae
IANI 2023 Ornithopoda Late Cretaceous Rhabdodontomorpha
IGUANACOLOSSUS 2010 Ornithopoda Early Cretaceous Styracosterna
INVICTARX 2018 Ankylosauria Late Cretaceous Nodosauridae
JEYAWATI 2010 Ornithopoda Late Cretaceous Hadrosauroidea
JUDICERATOPS 2013 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Chasmosaurinae
KAATEDOCUS 2012 Sauropoda Late Jurassic Diplodocidae
KAYENTAVENATOR 2010 Theropoda Early Jurassic Tetanurae
KOPARION 1994 Theropoda Late Jurassic Troodontidae
KOSMOCERATOPS 2010 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Chasmosaurinae
KRITOSAURUS 1910 Ornithopoda Late Cretaceous Saurolophinae
LEPIDUS 2015 Theropoda Triassic Coelophysoidea
LOKICERATOPS 2024 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Centrosaurinae
LOPHORHOTHON 1960 Ornithopoda Late Cretaceous Hadrosauridae
LYTHRONAX 2013 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Tyrannosauridae
MACHAIROCERATOPS 2016 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Centrosaurinae
MAIASAURA 1979 Ornithopoda Late Cretaceous Hadrosauridae
MALEFICA 2022 Ornithopoda Late Cretaceous Hadrosauridae
MANOSPONDYLUS 1892 Non-Dinosaurian Late Cretaceous Non dinosaurian
MARSHOSAURUS 1976 Theropoda Late Jurassic Megalosauroidea
MARTHARAPTOR 2012 Theropoda Early Cretaceous Therizinosauroidea
MEDUSACERATOPS 2010 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Chasmosaurinae
MERCURICERATOPS 2014 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Chasmosaurinae
MICROVENATOR 1970 Theropoda Early Cretaceous Oviraptorosauria
MIERASAURUS 2017 Sauropoda Early Cretaceous Turiasauria
MOABOSAURUS 2017 Sauropoda Early Cretaceous Titanosauriformes
MONOCLONIUS 1876 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Centrosaurinae
MONTANOCERATOPS 1951 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Leptoceratopsidae
MYMOORAPELTA 1994 Ankylosauria Late Jurassic Ankylosauria
NAASHOIBITOSAURUS 1993 Ornithopoda Late Cretaceous Saurolophinae
NANOTYRANNUS 1988 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Tyrannosaurinae
NANUQSAURUS 2014 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Tyrannosaurinae
NASUTOCERATOPS 2013 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Centrosaurinae
NATRONASAURUS 2014 Stegosauria Late Jurassic Stegosauridae
NEDOCERATOPS 2007 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Chasmosaurinae
NEVADADROMEUS 2022 Ornithopoda Late Cretaceous Thescelosauridae
NODOCEPHALOSAURUS 1999 Ankylosauria Late Cretaceous Ankylosauridae
NODOSAURUS 1889 Ankylosauria Early Cretaceous Nodosauridae
NOTHRONYCHUS 2001 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Therizinosauridae
OJOCERATOPS 2010 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Chasmosaurinae
OOHKOTOKIA 2013 Ankylosauria Late Cretaceous Ankylosauridae
ORNITHOLESTES 1903 Theropoda Late Jurassic Coelurosauria
ORNITHOMIMUS 1890 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Ornithomimidae
ORODROMEUS 1998 Ornithopoda Late Cretaceous Orodrominae
ORYCTODROMEUS 2007 Ornithopoda Late Cretaceous Orodrominaae
OSMAKASAURUS 2011 Ornithopoda Early Cretaceous Camptosauridae
OTHNIELIA 1977 Ornithopoda Late Jurassic Neornithischia
PACHYCEPHALOSAURUS 1943 Pachycephalosauria Late Cretaceous Pachycephalosauridae
PALUXYSAURUS 2001 Non-Dinosaurian Early Cretaceous Non dinosaurian
PANOPLOSAURUS 1919 Ankylosauria Late Cretaceous Nodosauridae
PARONYCHODON 1876 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Troodontidae
PECTINODON 1982 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Troodontidae
PENTACERATOPS 1923 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Chasmosaurinae
PLANICOXA 2001 Ornithopoda Early Cretaceous Styracosterna
PLATYTHOLUS 2023 Pachycephalosauria Late Cretaceous Pachycephalosauridae
PLEUROCOELUS 1888 Sauropoda Late Jurassic Brachiosauridae
PROPANOPLOSAURUS 2011 Ankylosauria Early Cretaceous Nodosauridae
PROTOAVIS 1984 Theropoda Triassic Theropoda
PTEROPELYX 1889 Ornithopoda Late Cretaceous Lambeosaurinae
RHINOREX 2014 Ornithopoda Late Cretaceous Saurolophinae
RICHARDOESTESIA 1990 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Coelurosauria
RUBEOSAURUS 2010 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Centrosaurinae
RUGOCAUDIA 2012 Sauropoda Early Cretaceous Titanosauriformes
SARAHSAURUS 2010 Sauropodomorpha Early Jurassic Sauropodomorpha
SAUROPELTA 1970 Ankylosauria Early Cretaceous Nodosauridae
SAUROPHAGANAX 1995 Theropoda Late Jurassic Allosauridae
SAUROPOSEIDON 2000 Sauropoda Early Cretaceous Brachiosauridae
SCUTELLOSAURUS 1981 Ornithischia Early Jurassic Thyreophora
SEGISAURUS 1936 Theropoda Middle Jurassic Coelophysoidea
SEITAAD 2010 Sauropodomorpha Early Jurassic Sauropodomorpha
SHUVOSAURUS 1993 Archosauromorpha Triassic Rauisuchia
SIATS 2013 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Neovenatoridae
SONORASAURUS 1998 Sauropoda Early Cretaceous Brachiosauridae
SPHAEROTHOLUS 2002 Pachycephalosauria Late Cretaceous Pachycephalosauridae
SPICLYPEUS 2016 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Chasmosaurinae
STEGOPELTA 1905 Ankylosauria Early Cretaceous Nodosauridae
STEGOSAURUS 1877 Stegosauria Late Jurassic Stegosauridae
STELLASAURUS 2020 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Centrosaurinae
STOKESOSAURUS 1974 Theropoda Late Jurassic Tyrannosauroidea
STYGIMOLOCH 1983 Pachycephalosauria Late Cretaceous Pachycephalosauridae
SUPERSAURUS 1985 Sauropoda Late Jurassic Apatosaurinae
SUSKITYRANNUS 2019 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Tyrannosauroidea
SUUWASSEA 2004 Sauropoda Late Jurassic Dicraeosauridae
TALOS 2010 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Troodontidae
TATANKACERATOPS 2010 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Chasmosaurinae
TAWA 2009 Theropoda Triassic Theropoda
TECHNOSAURUS 1984 Archosauromorpha Triassic Silesauridae
TEIHIVENATOR 2017 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Tyrannosauroidea
TENONTOSAURUS 1970 Ornithopoda Early Cretaceous Iguanodontia
TERATOPHONEUS 2011 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Tyrannosaurinae
TEXACEPHALE 2010 Pachycephalosauria Late Cretaceous Pachycephalosauridae
TEXASETES 1995 Ankylosauria Early Cretaceous Nodosauridae
THEIOPHYTALIA 2006 Ornithopoda Early Cretaceous Styracosterna
TITANOCERATOPS 2011 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Chasmosaurinae
TOROSAURUS 1891 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Chasmosaurinae
TORVOSAURUS 1979 Theropoda Late Jurassic Megalosauridae
TRICERATOPS 1889 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Chasmosaurinae
TRIERARCHUNCUS 2020 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Alvarezsauridae
TROODON 1856 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Troodontidae
TYRANNOSAURUS 1905 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Tyrannosaurinae
UGROSAURUS 1987 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Chasmosaurinae
UGRUNAALUK 2015 Ornithopoda Late Cretaceous Saurolophinae
UTAHCERATOPS 2010 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Chasmosaurinae
UTAHRAPTOR 1993 Theropoda Early Cretaceous Dromaeosaurinae
UTEODON 2011 Ornithopoda Late Jurassic Styracosterna
VENENOSAURUS 2001 Sauropoda Early Cretaceous Brachiosauridae
YURGOVUCHIA 2012 Theropoda Early Jurassic Dromaeosaurinae
ZAPSALIS 1876 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Dromaeosaurinae
ZEPHYROSAURUS 1980 Ornithopoda Early Cretaceous Orodrominae
ZIAPELTA 2014 Ankylosauria Late Cretaceous Ankylosauridae
ZUNICERATOPS 1998 Ceratopsia Late Cretaceous Ceratopsia
ZUUL 2017 Ankylosauria Late Cretaceous Ankylosaurinae
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