Dinochecker's dinosaur gallery

Agnosphitys cromhallensis

Artist's impression of Agnosphitys cromhallensis, a Late Triassic sauropodomorph dinosaur from Avon, England.
Artist Credit
Karkemish @ karkemish00.deviantart.com.
Licenced under CC BY NC ND 3.0.
You may use this image as-is without seeking permission, under the following conditions:
1. You must credit the artist/s and provide a link to the licence and the source
2. If you remix or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.
3. You must not use this image for commercial (making or intending to make a profit) purposes
Era: Mesozoic
Period: Late Triassic
Age: 228-209 million years ago
Stage: Norian
Vital Stats:
Est. Max. Length: 0.7 meters
Est. Max. Height: ?
Est. Max. Weight: 4 kg
Diet: Omnivorous
Family Tree:
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