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Dinosaurs of England

Currently, our archive includes 69 dinosaurs from England

Name Coined Type Period Family
ACANTHOPHOLIS 1867 Ankylosauria Late Cretaceous Nodosauridae
AGNOSPHITYS 2002 Sauropodomorpha Triassic Guaibasauridae
ANGLOPOSEIDON 2010 Sauropoda Early Cretaceous
ARISTOSUCHUS 1887 Theropoda Early Cretaceous Compsognathidae
ASYLOSAURUS 1936 Sauropodomorpha Triassic Sauropodomorpha
AVALONIA 1898 Non-Dinosaurian Triassic Non-Dinosaurian
BARILIUM 2010 Ornithopoda Early Cretaceous Styracosterna
BARYONYX 1986 Theropoda Early Cretaceous Baryonychinae
BECKLESPINAX 1991 Theropoda Early Cretaceous Tetanurae
BOTHRIOSPONDYLUS 1875 Sauropoda Middle Jurassic Sauropoda
BRIGHSTONEUS 2021 Ornithopoda Early Cretaceous Styracosterna
CALAMOSAURUS 1891 Theropoda Early Cretaceous Compsognathidae
CALAMOSPONDYLUS 1866 Theropoda Early Cretaceous Oviraptorosauria
CALLOVOSAURUS 1980 Ornithopoda Middle Jurassic Iguanodontia
CAMELOTIA 1985 Sauropodomorpha Triassic Sauropodomorpha
CARDIODON 1844 Sauropoda Middle Jurassic Turiasauria
CETIOSAURISCUS 1927 Sauropoda Middle Jurassic Neosauropoda
CETIOSAURUS 1841 Sauropoda Middle Jurassic Cetiosauridae
CHONDROSTEOSAURUS 1876 Sauropoda Early Cretaceous Sauropoda
COMPTONATUS 2024 Ornithopoda Early Cretaceous Iguanodontidae
CRATEROSAURUS 1874 Stegosauria Early Cretaceous Stegosauria
CRUXICHEIROS 2010 Theropoda Middle Jurassic Tetanurae
CRYPTOSAURUS 1869 Ankylosauria Late Jurassic Ankylosauria
CUMNORIA 1888 Ornithopoda Late Jurassic Styracosterna
DACENTRURUS 1902 Stegosauria Late Jurassic Stegosauridae
DINODOCUS 1884 Sauropoda Early Cretaceous Sauropoda
DORNRAPTOR 2024 Theropoda Early Jurassic Averostra
DURIATITAN 2010 Sauropoda Late Jurassic Titanosauriformes
DURIAVENATOR 2008 Theropoda Middle Jurassic Megalosauridae
ECHINODON 1861 Ornithopoda Early Cretaceous Heterodontosauridae
EOPLOPHYSIS 2014 Stegosauria Middle Jurassic Stegosauridae
EOTYRANNUS 2001 Theropoda Early Cretaceous Tyrannosauroidea
EUCAMEROTUS 1995 Sauropoda Early Jurassic
EUSTREPTOSPONDYLUS 1964 Theropoda Middle Jurassic Megalosauridae
GIGANTOSAURUS 1869 Sauropoda Late Jurassic Sauropoda
HAESTASAURUS 2015 Sauropoda Early Cretaceous Macronaria
HYLAEOSAURUS 1832 Ankylosauria Early Cretaceous Ankylosauria
HYPSELOSPINUS 2010 Ornithopoda Early Cretaceous Iguanodontia
HYPSILOPHODON 1869 Ornithopoda Early Cretaceous Ornithopoda
JURATYRANT 2013 Theropoda Late Jurassic Proceratosauridae
KUKUFELDIA 2010 Ornithopoda Early Cretaceous Styracosterna
LEXOVISAURUS 1957 Stegosauria Middle Jurassic Stegosauria
LORICATOSAURUS 2008 Stegosauria Middle Jurassic Stegosauria
MAGNOSAURUS 1923 Theropoda Middle Jurassic Megalosauridae
MANTELLISAURUS 2006 Ornithopoda Early Cretaceous Styracosterna
MEGALOSAURUS 1824 Theropoda Middle Jurassic Megalosauridae
METRIACANTHOSAURUS 1964 Theropoda Late Jurassic Sinraptoridae
NEOVENATOR 1996 Theropoda Early Cretaceous Neovenatoridae
NUTHETES 1854 Theropoda Early Cretaceous Dromaeosauridae
ORNITHOPSIS 1870 Sauropoda Early Cretaceous Macronaria
OWENODON 2009 Ornithopoda Early Cretaceous Styracosterna
PELOROSAURUS 1850 Sauropoda Early Cretaceous Brachiosauridae
POLACANTHUS 1865 Ankylosauria Early Cretaceous Polacanthidae
PRIODONTOGNATHUS 1875 Ankylosauria Late Jurassic Ankylosauria
PROCERATOSAURUS 1910 Theropoda Middle Jurassic Proceratosauridae
SARCOLESTES 1893 Ankylosauria Middle Jurassic Ankylosauria
SARCOSAURUS 1921 Theropoda Early Jurassic Coelophysoidea
SCELIDOSAURUS 1868 Ankylosauria Early Jurassic Thyreophora
SELLACOXA 2010 Ornithopoda Early Cretaceous Styracosterna
THECODONTOSAURUS 1836 Sauropodomorpha Triassic Sauropodomorpha
VALDORAPTOR 1991 Theropoda Early Cretaceous Tetanurae
VALDOSAURUS 1975 Ornithopoda Early Cretaceous Dryosauridae
VECTAEROVENATOR 2020 Theropoda Late Cretaceous Tetanurae
VECTIDROMEUS 2024 Ornithopoda Early Cretaceous Hypsilophodontidae
VECTIPELTA 2023 Ankylosauria Early Cretaceous Ankylosauria
VECTIRAPTOR 2021 Theropoda Early Cretaceous Dromaeosauridae
WYLEYIA 1973 Theropoda Early Cretaceous Maniraptora
XENOPOSEIDON 2007 Sauropoda Early Cretaceous Neosauropoda
YAVERLANDIA 1971 Theropoda Early Cretaceous Maniraptora
Hot Spots
Oxford is the big dinosaur central of England, and home of the very first dinosaur un-earthing - Megalosaurus. For non-dinophiles there is no end of sickly-scenic places well worth a holiday. While your boring spouse is off fossil finding you could kick back in the Quantock Hills, Devon, Cornwall, or the Lake District, make the most of world famous North of England wine tastings, or just learn English.
• Buckland W (1824) "Notice on the Megalosaurus or great fossil lizard of Stonesfield". Transactions of the Geological Society of London, 2(1): 390–396. DOI: 10.1144/transgslb.1.2.390
• Barret PM and Upchurch P (1995) "Regnosaurus northamptoni, a stegosaurian dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous of Southern England". Geological Magazine, 132(2): 213–222. DOI: 10.1017/S0016756800011754
• Blows WT (2015) "British Polacanthid Dinosaurs: Observations on the History and Palaeontology of the UK Polacanthid Armoured Dinosaurs and Their Relatives (Monograph Series)".
• Ruiz-Omeñaca JI, Pereda Suberbiola X and Galton PM (2007) "Callovosaurus leedsi, the earliest dryosaurid dinosaur (Ornithischia: Euornithopoda) from the Middle Jurassic of England". Page 3–16 in Carpenter (ed.) "Horns and Beaks: Ceratopsian and Ornithopod Dinosaurs".
• Naish D, Hutt S and Martill DM (2001) "Saurischian dinosaurs 2: theropods". Page 242-309 in Martill and Naish (eds.) "Dinosaurs of the Isle of Wight".
• Batten D (2011) "English Wealden Fossils (Field Guide to Fossils Number 14)".
• Lomax DR and Tamura N (2014) "Dinosaurs of the British Isles".
• Barrett PM and Bonsor JA (2020) "A revision of the non-avian dinosaurs Eucercosaurus tanyspondylus and Syngonosaurus macrocercus from the Cambridge Greensand, UK". Cretaceous Research, 118: 104638. DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2020.104638
• Raven TJ, Barrett PM, Pond SB and Maidment SCR (2020) "Osteology and taxonomy of British Wealden Supergroup (Berriasian–Aptian) ankylosaurs (Ornithischia, Ankylosauria)". Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 40(4). DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2020.1826956
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