Further reading
Mark Norell (2000) "Discovering Dinosaurs: Evolution, Extinction, and the Lessons of PrehistoryWhy did dinosaurs become extinct?
Coming soon...
J David Archibald (1996) "Dinosaur Extinction and the End of an Era: What the Fossils Say (The Critical Moments and Perspectives in Earth History and Paleobiology)
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All dinos are GM free, and no herbivores were eaten during site construction! To cite this page:
Atkinson, L. "DinoChecker FAQ entry :: Why did dinosaurs become extinct?"
‹http://www.dinochecker.com/dinosaurfaqs/why-did-dinosaurs-become-extinct›. Web access: 11th Mar 2025.
All dinos are GM free, and no herbivores were eaten during site construction! To cite this page:
Atkinson, L. "DinoChecker FAQ entry :: Why did dinosaurs become extinct?"
‹http://www.dinochecker.com/dinosaurfaqs/why-did-dinosaurs-become-extinct›. Web access: 11th Mar 2025.