Spencer G. Lucas (Oct 6, 2005) "Dinosaurs: The Textbook."What is the Scapula?
The Scapula - commonly known as the "shoulder blade" - is a flat bone that provides a foundation for the attachments of back and forelimb muscles. In saurischian dinosaurs, the scapula is attached to the sternum (breastbone) by a bone called the corocoid, and the pair are attached to the clavicle (collar bone) and form the socket to hold the humerus (upper arm bone).
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Atkinson, L. "DinoChecker FAQ entry :: What is the Scapula?"
‹›. Web access: 22nd Feb 2025.
All dinos are GM free, and no herbivores were eaten during site construction! To cite this page:
Atkinson, L. "DinoChecker FAQ entry :: What is the Scapula?"
‹›. Web access: 22nd Feb 2025.