Pronunciation: DIP-luh-doh-COY-dee-uh
Author: Othniel Charles Marsh
Year: 1884
Meaning: Double beam-like (see etymology)
Locomotion: Quadrupedal (four legs)
Synonyms: Diplodocoidae (mispelling)
Author: Othniel Charles Marsh
Year: 1884
Meaning: Double beam-like (see etymology)
Locomotion: Quadrupedal (four legs)
Synonyms: Diplodocoidae (mispelling)
[Upchurch, 1995]Definition
All neosauropods more closely related to Diplodocus longus than Saltasaurus loricatus.
Click here to view Dinochecker's A-Z list of Diplodocoids.
Diplodocoidea is derived from the Greek "diploos" (double) and "dokos" (beam), and the Latin "-oidea" (likeness, form, resemblance), in reference to the double-beamed bones (chevrons) on the underside of their tail vertebrae, and their relationship to Diplodocus. In the Linnaean system of classification "oidea" is applied to groups which rank as "superfamilies".
• Carpenter K and Tidswell V (2005) "Thunder Lizards: The Sauropodomorph Dinosaurs".
• Whitlock JA (2011) "Inferences of Diplodocoid (Sauropoda: Dinosauria) Feeding Behavior from Snout Shape and Microwear Analyses".
PLoS ONE 6(4): e18304. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0018304