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Dinosaurs of Austria
Currently, our archive includes 3 dinosaurs from Austria
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• Bunzel E (January, 1870) "Notice of a Fragment of a Reptilian Skull from the Upper Cretaceous of Grunbach". Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society. 26: 394. doi:10.1144/GSL.JGS.1870.026.01-02.35.
• Bunzel E (1871) "Die Reptilfauna der Gosauformation in der Neuen Welt bei Wiener-Neustadt". Abhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt 5: 1-18.
• Seeley H G (February, 1881) "The Reptile Fauna of the Gosau Formation preserved in the Geological Museum of the University of Vienna: with a Note on the Geological Horizon of the Fossils at Neue Welt, west of Wiener Neustadt, by Edw. Suess, Ph.D., F.M.G.S., &c, Professor of Geology in the University of Vienna, &c". Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society. 37: 620-707. doi:10.1144/GSL.JGS.1881.037.01-04.49. [Note: the "&c" is not an error. It means "and so on, and so forth" and is a contraction of "etc." which is a contraction of "et cetera".]
• Pereda-Suberbiola X and Galton PM (2001) "Reappraisal of the nodosaurid ankylosaur Struthiosaurus austriacus Bunzel, 1871 from the Upper Cretaceous Gosau Beds of Austria". Page 173-210 in Carpenter (ed.) "The Armored Dinosaurs".
• Sachs S and Hornung J (2006) "Juvenile ornithopod (Dinosauria: Rhabdodontidae) remains from the Upper Cretaceous (Lower Campanian, Gosau Group) of Muthmannsdorf (Lower Austria)". Geobios, 39(3): 415-425. doi:10.1016/j.geobios.2005.01.003.
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